
Club "The House" - Youth for United Europe

DISCLAIMER! While using the website in language that is different than Latvian, there is a possibility that there could be mistakes in translation, please use the messaging tool in the bottom corner to report these mistakes! Some parts of website has not been translated and only available in Latvian. All translated content (also legal)  should be only used as informative porpuses.


Biedrība “Klubs “Māja” – jaunatne vienotai Eiropai”
Reģistrācijas numurs:

Office address: Aleksandra Čaka iela 83/85, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1011
E-mail: birojs@klubsmaja.lv
Phone number: +371 2545 1199

Board contacts: valde@klubsmaja.lv
If you want to be in contact with the whole board at the same time.

Ethics committee contacts: etikaskomisija@klubsmaja.lv
If you have a concern, complaint or question.

Media group contacts: dizains@klubsmaja.lv
If you want to be contacted about the website, social media or the visual identity of Club "The House".

Find contacts for project managers: