Club "The House" - Youth for United Europe

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Options for youth

Become a volunteer and make a positive difference in society! We actively promote civic participation, education, cohesion, security, culture, arts and other important issues. By joining the organisation you will have the opportunity to develop your ideas! If you don't have ideas, we will connect you to other projects.

Engagement Timeline



Fill in the membership form here to start the membership process.



A conversation so you can find out more about us and we about you.



Quick training to learn everything you need to know.



Together with the support person, connect to the first idea.



Full involvement in all organisational processes.


Internship Opportunity

We offer long-term traineeships for young people who want to lead or initiate different processes of public benefit or representation.

Coursework Writing

We will help you to obtain data for coursework and undergraduate work, and provide an environment to develop your work, especially if it fits with the priorities of our units.

School Projects

If you want to develop an idea in high school and are looking for mentoring support or like-minded people, we can help!


Do you already know which unit you want to be a part of and where you want to implement your hottest ideas? Fill in the application form and join!

Have you decided which unit you want to work for and where you want to pursue your hottest ideas? Fill in the application form and join! If you haven't made up your mind yet, you can take a quiz and find out which unit best fits your values.

Do you know which club you want to join and if Club "The House" is the right club for you? Take the test and find out!

Still not sure which team you want to join? Check out and read about all the units offered by Club "The House"!