Club "The House" - Youth for United Europe

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The Association "Club "The House" - Youth for a United Europe", registration No 40008009648, registered office at Aleksandra Čaka 83A, Riga, LV-1011, hereinafter - the online shop - provides the content available on the website and provides goods in accordance with the Terms of Use set out below.


  1. Vispārīgie noteikumi.

If the consumer purchases goods through the website, such mutual agreement is considered a Distance Contract and is subject to the provisions of the laws of the Republic of Latvia regulating distance contracts, including but not limited to the "Consumer Rights Protection Law", the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia "Regulations on Distance Contract", etc.


  1. Pirkumu veikšana.

The prices and specifications of the products sold in the online shop are listed next to the products.

To place an order, add the desired products to your shopping basket. Fill in all the required fields and choose the most suitable delivery method. The total cost of the order including delivery is then displayed on the screen. Checkout to complete your order.


  1. Apmaksas noteikumi.

Norēķinu valūta vietnē ir eiro. Pirkumu iespējams apmaksāt izvēloties sekojošas maksājumu metodes, ko nodrošina maksājumu platforma, Stripe:

  • Visa/Mastercard payments
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay

Personas dati, kas nepieciešami maksājumu veikšanai, tiek nodoti biedrībai “Klubs “Māja” – jaunatne vienotai Eiropai”

Līgums stājas spēkā līdz ar veiksmīgu maksājumu uz internetveikala bankas kontu. Ja kādu iemeslu dēļ pasūtījumu izpildīt nebūs iespējams, Pircējs par to tiks informēts un samaksātā summa tiks atmaksāta pēc iespējas ātrāk, bet ne vēlāk kā 15 darbu dienu laikā pēc paziņojuma saņemšanas.


  1. Piegādes noteikumi.

Preces tiek piegādātas uz sekojošām valstīm: Latvija. Iegādātās preces tiek piegādātas izmantojot: AS “Printful Latvia”  pakalpojumu. Visas nodevas un nodokļus, kas jāsamaksā, lai saņemtu sūtījumu piegādes galamērķī ir jāsedz Pircējam. Piegādes izmaksas tiek parādītas, pirms pasūtījuma apstiprināšanas. Iegādātās preces tiek nogādātas Pircēja norādītajā adresē līdz 20 darba dienu laikā. Izņēmuma gadījumos mums ir tiesības nosūtīt preces līdz 60 kalendāra dienām, par to informējot klientu.


  1. Atteikuma tiesības.

The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the Goods within 14 calendar days of receipt of the Goods. (Depending on the Goods, the Buyer may not have a mandatory right of withdrawal, in which case the reason must be clearly stated and explained). The right of withdrawal does not apply if the Buyer is a legal person.

In order to exercise the 14-day right of withdrawal, the goods must be used only for the purposes for which they were intended and the consumer is responsible for ensuring that the quality and safety of the goods are maintained during the period in which the right of withdrawal is exercised. If the goods are inappropriately used or damaged, if the goods are handled carelessly during use or if the instructions are not followed, if the original packaging of the goods is lost or if the packaging is substantially damaged, the online shop has the right to reduce the amount to be refunded in accordance with the reduction in the value of the goods.

To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must submit a Withdrawal Form, which can be obtained by emailing us at within 14 days of receipt of the goods. The buyer is responsible for the cost of returning the goods, except where the reason for the return is that the goods are not as ordered (e.g. incorrect or faulty product).

Pircēja pienākums ir bez kavēšanās, bet ne vēlāk kā 14 kalendāro dienu laikā pēc atteikuma veidlapas nosūtīšanas internetveikalam, atdot Pārdevējam Preces. Pēc atpakaļ nosūtīto preču saņemšanas internetveikals nekavējoties, bet ne vēlāk kā 10 darbu dienu laikā, atmaksā visus no pircēja saņemtos maksājumus pamatojoties uz Distances līgumu.

The Seller shall be entitled to withhold payment until it has received from the Buyer the Goods or proof of return. If the Buyer has chosen a shipping method other than the cheapest shipping method offered by the Online Shop, the Online Shop shall not be obliged to compensate the excess shipping costs.

The Online Shop shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations or for any other failure to perform caused by circumstances and obstacles beyond its reasonable control.

The Online Shop reserves the right to refuse to sell the goods and to request the return of the goods from the Buyer if the price indicated on the Online Shop is significantly lower than its market price due to an error.


  1. Patērētāja tiesības par līgumam neatbilstošu preci.

The Online Shop shall be liable for any non-conformity of the goods sold to the Customer with the terms of the contract or for any defects arising within 6 months from the date of delivery of the goods to the Customer, or at the time of delivery, provided that such assumption is not contrary to the nature of the goods or the defect. The Buyer must inform the Seller of the non-conformity of the goods immediately, within 2 months of discovering it, i.e. file a complaint. The Buyer may lodge a complaint by contacting the online shop at

The Online Shop shall not be liable for any defects arising after delivery of the goods to the Buyer. If the goods purchased are defective for which the Seller is responsible, the Buyer has the right to request that the defective goods be rectified or exchanged for new goods free of charge.

If the goods cannot be repaired or replaced, the Seller shall return to the Buyer all payments due under the Distance Contract. The Seller shall reply to the Consumer's complaint in writing within 15 days.


  1. Pircēja personas datu apstrāde.

The online shop processes only the personal data entered by the buyer when ordering goods, such as name, surname, e-mail, telephone number, delivery address, etc.

The online shop transfers personal data to the transport service provider in order to ensure the delivery of the goods.

If you have expressly consented to receive our marketing communications, including newsletters, we may contact you from time to time with information about our services and latest offers. For this purpose, we may process the email address you provided when you signed up for marketing communications. You have the option to opt-out of marketing communications by notifying us at


  1. Strīdu izšķiršanas kārtība.

In matters not covered by these Terms and Conditions, the Buyer and the Seller undertake to comply with the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Latvia.

The Parties shall resolve any disputes arising between the Seller and the Buyer by means of mutual negotiations or correspondence. If the dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation or correspondence, the Parties shall settle the dispute in the courts of the Republic of Latvia in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia. Disputes between the Buyer (consumer) and the Seller may be referred to the Consumer Rights Protection Centre or to a court of the Republic of Latvia.

The Buyer shall also have the right to apply to the dispute settlement bodies of the European Union.


  1. Izmaiņas lietošanas noteikumos.

Šajā lapā jebkurā laikā varat pārskatīt jaunāko lietošanas noteikumu versiju.

Mēs paturam tiesības pēc saviem ieskatiem atjaunināt, mainīt vai aizstāt jebkuru pakalpojumu lietošanas noteikumu daļu, ievietojot atjauninājumus un izmaiņas mūsu vietnē. Jūsu pienākums ir periodiski pārbaudīt mūsu tīmekļa vietni, vai nav notikušas izmaiņas. Jūsu turpmākā mūsu tīmekļa vietnes vai pakalpojuma izmantošana vai piekļuve tai pēc jebkādu izmaiņu publicēšanas šajos pakalpojumu sniegšanas noteikumos nozīmē šo izmaiņu piekrišanu.


  1. Kontaktinformācija.

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