Club "The House" - Youth for a United Europe is a Latvian non-governmental organisation that promotes the civic development of young people, work skills and social and cultural awareness. With almost 30 years of experience and active activities in 18 municipalities, we organise more than 50 events a year, which have a positive impact on more than 300 000 people.
Where will the funds go?
Social inclusion projects
Educational programmes and seminars
Youth leadership development
For the creation of a youth platform
Transport expenditure per activity
Capacity building in the organisation
Ziedo ar bankas pārskaitījumu!
(Jaunā un ērtā ziedošanas sistēma tiks publicēta jau janvārī! Paldies!)
Biedrība “Klubs “Māja” – jaunatne vienotai Eiropai”
Registration number: 40008009648
Legal adress: Aleksandra Čaka 83A, Rīga, LV-1011
IBAN code: LV12HABA0551043721581
Piezīme: Bezmērķa ziedojums.
Ziedo ar bankas pārskaitījumu!
(Jaunā un ērtā ziedošanas sistēma tiks publicēta jau janvārī! Paldies!)
Biedrība “Klubs “Māja” – jaunatne vienotai Eiropai”
Registration number: 40008009648
Legal adress: Aleksandra Čaka 83A, Rīga, LV-1011
IBAN code: LV12HABA0551043721581
Piezīme: Bezmērķa ziedojums.
Where will the funds go?
Social inclusion projects
Skills development programmes
Youth leadership development
For the creation of a youth platform
Transport expenditure per activity
Capacity building in the organisation
Where will the funds go?
Social inclusion projects
Skills development programmes
Youth leadership development
For the creation of a youth platform
Transport expenditure per activity
Capacity building in the organisation
Youngster stories

Club "The House" is a place where young people develop personally and develop their ideas at different stages. We offer support, resources and inspiration so that each participant can achieve their goals and create positive change in society.

Club "The House" is where your abilities translate into real achievements. Since I have been part of organisation, I have not only opened the doors to my professional career, but also created ideas that strip away the importance of non-formal education in the development of young people.

We develop young people's personal and professional development and their participation in our society. We offer an environment where young people can develop their ideas and take them from the foundations of their home to the roof.
Youngster stories
Club "The House" is a place where young people develop personally and develop their ideas at different stages. We offer support, resources and inspiration so that each participant can achieve their goals and create positive change in society.
Club "The House" is where your abilities translate into real achievements. Since I have been part of organisation, I have not only opened the doors to my professional career, but also created ideas that strip away the importance of non-formal education in the development of young people.
We develop young people's personal and professional development and their participation in our society. We offer an environment where young people can develop their ideas and take them from the foundations of their home to the roof.
What have we done?

Looking back at the 68th annual meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, we discussed what was achieved at the Commission, what was left out, why it is important to talk about gender equality, including at the institutional level.

Together with more than 100 participants and experts in various fields, we discussed and tried to find out whether a young person has a place in politics. A study on political education in schools was presented during the conference.

Together with the other Youth Delegates to the UN from the European Union, various UN and EU priorities were discussed, including the quality involvement of young people in UN formats.

Ahead of the 2024 European Parliament elections, the UN YDP team, accompanied by a delegate, produced an EP Election Guide (ļvedis).

We take part in an annual campaign highlighting the challenges of democracy in Europe.

We organise Erasmus+ events to educate young people about politics, providing opportunities for cooperation both abroad and in Latvia.

Every six months, we represent our association at European level.

We visit different municipalities to better understand how they use EU opportunities and resources.

We visit embassies in different countries to better understand their work and their position on issues that concern us.

In 2022, a conference was held every 2 years, bringing together young people and counsellors from European clubs across Latvia.

Art exhibition on Latvian culture, traditions and history. The exhibition featured a variety of paintings, photographs, poetry, video and audio recordings.

Art exhibition on Latvian culture, traditions and history. The exhibition featured a variety of paintings, photographs, poetry, video and audio recordings.

24 hours of live audio and video, featuring 20 discussions, talks and interviews on topics such as ''Art as a Source of Information'', ''Art Needs Space'', ''Art as Protest'', etc.

24 hours of live audio and video, featuring 20 discussions, talks and interviews on topics such as ''Art as a Source of Information'', ''Art Needs Space'', ''Art as Protest'', etc.

Time spent together in a fun and active atmosphere

4-day camp on promoting tolerance and anti-discrimination

Izlaušanās spēle par Latvijas vēsturi no 80.gadiem līdz mūsdienām meklējot vēstures liecības Rīgā















